文档介绍:fire -isn'。(美军术语 Friendly fire是指“被自己人误伤 ”) rifles -aren'。 fires -won'。 not Superman; Marines and fighter pilots take ,陆战队员和战斗机飞行员尤为适用本条。 chest wound isNature's wayof telling youto slow 。 it'sstupid but it works,it isn't ,那它就不是一个蠢方法。 look unimportant; the enemy may below onammo andnot want to wasteabullet ,敌人可能子弹不多,不想浪费在你身上。 at first youdon't eed,call inanair ,马上呼叫空袭支援吧。 youareforward of your position,your artillery will fall ,炮兵往往也用完了炮弹。10. Never share afoxhole with anyone braver than 。11. Never gotobed with anyone crazier than 。12. Never forget that your weapon wasmade bythe lowest 。13. Ifyour attack isgoingreally well,it',那一定是你中了圈套。14. Theenemy diversion you're ignoring istheir main 。15. Theenemy invariably attacks ontwo occasions: a. Whenthey're ready. b. Whenyou're : 1)他们准备好的时候; 2)你没准备好的时候。16. NoOPLANever survives initial 。(早期 33条翻译版本译为 “交火”,但contact 在美军用语里指“发现敌踪”,不一定是双方的,有时也只是单方的。)17. There isnosuchthing asaperfect 。18. Fivesecond fusesalways burn three 。19. There isnosuchthing asanatheist 。20. Aretreating enemy isprobably just falling backand 。21. Theimportant things are always simple; the simple arealways ;简单的事情总是难以做到的。22. Theeasywayisalways 。23. Teamwork isessential; it givesthe enemy other people to shoot ;起码敌人有其他目标可以射击了。24. Don't look conspicuous; it draws fire. For this reason,it isnot atall mon for aircraft carriers to beknown asbomb ,因为那会吸引敌方火力。因此, 航空母舰被称作“炸弹磁铁”就不奇怪了。25. Never draw fire; it irritates everyone around