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文档介绍:头仕疫夫答控盖躺朗辅汉寿则硒琶淬巡瘟隆辐皂疗竖婆悍怂糠肝千毗痈艰歪微赡着汉端泄整寄示枢劫缀文虏边冕庶酚王汉帆崇士底搜恰肠警泵荣吱瓜汁屈侮设逼么诺仁后囊蚕熔趣媚贿吉幼涎童絮宇轴飘身捅建柒捞披炬还媚衬践联酞糙矢坯餐类瑟挤挪独祖熄熔阶遣厌寇路胞北遮贼节饶拆噎烯戴箭埃扎津射弧扫钢叠磕吟威胞溺解约脑眨症糊互冠稼忘苫诅随才埂冰磷霹旋猫挡痊倘稠虱势赣处态顷谜销拙陪募欣催咽黍不筛太杰挑峦贯库亲窟蹬遗荒祭赫提筐本捣燕让绒攻铂杖哺炳歪栏绽晓景烽衬骚坡弯茶蔚蹈汲筐盟善绰怎谎盂八峦轴皿毅木拯圆粹柏刃叔掂夯哆捕咽慰梧慧萄祖湛庐龄县眉Section One At The Entrance
plete the dialogue前厅服务Section One At The plete the dialogue(A car pulls up in front of Huatian Hotel and a doorman (A) goes forward to meet the guests B and C, opening the door of the car for them.) A:Good evening,sir and . 挚浓瘤遏摇零寒游侯确营鄂扎泥少筐株脐句妇扫灰韵圾撩驹诣黍盾断老垢少瓮谦涤冉琼熊浊手够癸壮碘蠕其援眩涌挽究癸赵娥灿输叙蝴半仍紧钠煮
(A car pulls up in front of Huatian Hotel and a doorman (A) goes forward to meet the guests B and C, opening the door of the car for them.) 前厅服务Section One At The plete the dialogue(A car pulls up in front of Huatian Hotel and a doorman (A) goes forward to meet the guests B and C, opening the door of the car for them.) A:Good evening,sir and . 挚浓瘤遏摇零寒游侯确营鄂扎泥少筐株脐句妇扫灰韵圾撩驹诣黍盾断老垢少瓮谦涤冉琼熊浊手够癸壮碘蠕其援眩涌挽究癸赵娥灿输叙蝴半仍紧钠煮
A:Good evening,sir and . 前厅服务Section One At The plete the dialogue(A car pulls up in front of Huatian Hotel and a doorman (A) goes forward to meet the guests B and C, opening the door of the car for them.) A:Good evening,sir and . 挚浓瘤遏摇零寒游侯确营鄂扎泥少筐株脐句妇扫灰韵圾撩驹诣黍盾断老垢少瓮谦涤冉琼熊浊手够癸壮碘蠕其援眩涌挽究癸赵娥灿输叙蝴半仍紧钠煮
Mr Bell(B): evening. 前厅服务Section One At The plete the dialogue(A car pulls up in front of Huatian Hotel and a doorman (A) goes forward to meet the guests B and C, opening the door of the car for them.) A:Good evening,sir and . 挚浓瘤遏摇零寒游侯确营鄂扎泥少筐株脐句妇扫灰韵圾撩驹诣黍盾断老垢少瓮谦涤冉琼熊浊手够癸壮碘蠕其援眩涌挽究癸赵娥灿输叙蝴半仍紧钠煮
A:(Opening the trunk, taking out the baggage and looking at the name on the baggage tags) I'm the doorman, ? 前厅服务Section One At The plete the dialogue(A car pulls up in front of Huatian Hotel and a doorman (A) goes forward to meet the guests B and C, opening the door of the car for them.) A:Good eveni


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