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泰姬陵 ppt课件.ppt

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泰姬陵 ppt课件.ppt


Taj Mahal
Taj Mahal never get tired, it still can make people surprised. It is different in the day time and in different natural light show different characteristics. Although it is a tomb, it is not usually available all the lonely tomb. Instead you feel it seems to float between heaven and earth. It's a harmonious symmetry, reflection garden and water together to create so many visitors marveled at the miracle.
Architectural features
The idea of ​​the layout of the Taj Mahal and Islamic architecture fully reflects the solemn, imposing features, the whole building full of philosophy, is a perfect style of Islamic art treasures this side Zhuang Hongwei architectural features, able, chambers doors and windows and Weiping are diamond-shaped white marble Loudiao into a small box with a lace wall with jade, crystal, agate, red and green gemstone inlaid with colorful vines flowers. Concept and layout of the Islamic architecture fully reflects the solemn, imposing features, the whole building full of philosophy, is a perfect art.
Architectural History
Taj Mahal consists of Shah Jahan built the king as a concubine. Begun in 1631, which lasted 22 years, every day uses 2 Wan Yi tech. In addition to assemble all of India 's best architects and craftsmen, but also hired the Middle East, Islamic areas architects and artisans, is exhausted Treasury ( cost 40000000 Rupees ), this leads to Mo 's dynastic decline.


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