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Sexism in the English Language through Asymmetrical Phenomenon英文毕业论文.doc

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Sexism in the English Language through Asymmetrical Phenomenon英文毕业论文.doc

上传人:Alphago 2015/11/11 文件大小:0 KB


Sexism in the English Language through Asymmetrical Phenomenon英文毕业论文.doc



文档介绍:Sexism in the English Language through Asymmetrical Phenomenon

Abstract:This thesis focuses on the asymmetrical phenomenon, which reflected in the extensive usage of masculine words, the marked female words and unmarked male words, positive words for males and negative words for females, and etc. Finally, the thesis puts forward some ways of fighting against sexism. Sexism is a society problem, which can be traced to its historical and cultural sources. In order to achieve non-sexism in language,social sexism should be eliminated first.
Key Word: sexism; asymmetrical phenomenon; masculine words; derogation of female words

As a product of society and one municative methods of human, language reflects all the aspects of human society naturally. Language isn’t sexism in itself, but when referring to language and sex, people immediately think of sexism. Sexism was put forth after the discovery of linguistic asymmetry. The asymmetrical phenomenon in English language is theoretically based on Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, which has a great influence on the research between language and culture.
2. Reflection of asymmetrical phenomenon in English language
Linguistic asymmetry is one of the traditional approaches to the study of the sexism against women in language. Hellinger(1989)in her article “Revising the Patriarchal Paradigm Language Changed Feminist La


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