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英语 PPT课件.ppt

上传人:小马匹匹 2015/11/14 文件大小:0 KB


英语 PPT课件.ppt



文档介绍:The Differences of Higher Education between China and U. s
C o n t e n t
Different Environment
Different Tradition
Different Inspecting method
Different Teaching method
Education Reform
Contrast of social environment between China and America
US is open social. The society's openness urges the American college to abandon the old education thought which the European traditional university sticks to, adopt open policy to absorb all advantages from other countries and establishes diverse and open education control system which emphasizes the actual effect. US is the biggest immigrant country which has very strong containing nature in the culture. They pursue the high-tech and prefer petes
Contrast with young US
China is the great nation with glorious history and cultural traditions. The Chinese people has the excellent moral of modesty, rigorous and implicit, but also has been over cautious and conservative. Though Chinese economy and technology is quite backward, it has very strong potential development, therefore, China implements the policy of opening up, abundantly absorbs the benefit and enriches itself
US’ higher education was considered as the best education in the world. Comparing the elementary education between American and China, people's universal view will be: China's elementary education aims to build the foundation of education with more study and less thought; while US's education aims to bulid such an education to raise the creativity with less study and more thought. Now the Chinese students are generally regarded as intalents with few intelligence and high scores. Why causes for such a view? Because the Chinese students study more, actually pay little attention to the practice, and cannot study for the purpose of applica


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