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Power transmission technology difficulty analysis
1 And power system working characteristics
Electric vehicle has the advantages mainly in the following aspects:
(pared with the same kind of car engine emission reduction.
(2) The motor as auxiliary power, to make the engine can play in good conditions, the efficiency of work and through the recycling braking energy, improve the vehicle's fuel economy.
(3) By decrease engine load reduces the noise.
(4) Transformed at present only gas stations, does not need to invest in new fuel loading.
2, row the characteristic of structure series
(1) The engine is always in the best condition driving generators, so high efficiency, energy saving effect, have certain emissions, reduce pollution and low;
(2) Installed the engine-generator, flowing energy feed to the traction motor, compared with the electric car trip mileage improved significantly;
(3) Control system function, structure is simple, especially the operation control only generator according to the storage battery charging and discharging state decided to power or stopped.
3. Selection strategy
A motor vehicles in China for the development of has just started, to speed up the development of the hybrid products in China, the research and use for reference foreign results is very necessary. Power system selection in hybrid developing in a position of importance. Because of the different control strategy is based on a hybrid drive system for making and optimization. Can say power system structure types of the option to decide the hybrid of research and development, the relationship between key development progress and product the level, is the most important of HEV development and the key step. So the development must be in deep research of careful analysis and weigh the advantages and disadvantages, and on the basis of the structure of the power system type make discreet choice. In the development prehensive coordination performance should be advance


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