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文档介绍:72 CHINA STANDARDIZATION January / February 2014China Culture and StandardizationChinese Paper-Cutting中国剪纸When celebrating the Spring Festival, Chinesefamilies paste spring poems on the door frame anddecorate windows, walls or inside doors with exquisitepaper cuttings for joyous and cozy festival design of paper cutting used in Spring Festivalincludes a magpie stepping on the branch (Chinese thinksthat magpie symbolizes happiness ing), Chinesecharacters like “福(luck)” or “春(Spring)”. Whengetting married, Chinese also use red paper cuttings withelegant designs to decorate the new home, for example,Chinese character of “囍” which means happy old times, if someone masters the skill of paperPaper cutting is a popular and familiar folk artto every Chinese. Creating a jubilant and merryatmosphere, paper cutting serves as a symbol offestival, happiness and brand new beginning in themind of CHINA STANDARDIZATION January / February 2014By Cao Xinxin 曹欣欣73CHINA STANDARDIZATION January / February 2014Chinese Paper-Cuttingcutting, he will be cherished as a well-known papercutting craftsman and required to make a variety of papercuttings with different designs for festival decoration inthe neighborhood. As a kind of ancient Chinese folk arts,paper cutting was listed into the first national intangiblecultural heritage catalog in