市场营销 2010级李甲
关键词: 成都高联品牌营销产品服务
Chengdu gaolian's deceased father grind training school brand marketing strategy analysis
Lee Marketing , Grade 2010
Directed by He anquan (Associate Prof. Ph. D)
Enter oneself for an examination the graduate student in recent years as the number of increasing, one's deceased father grind training school since it has guidance course and strong advantages of the teachers more and more get the attention of one's deceased father grind students, make one's deceased father grind training cosmetic petition tend to be white. Chengdu guildline one's deceased father grind training school because its took effective brand marketing strategy obtained the swift and violent development, this paper hopes that by chengdu high the discussion, one's deceased father grind training school brand marketing strategy analysis and research on the accurate brand marketing product strategy, pricing strategy, channel strategy munication strategy, the problems existing in the development of rationalization proposal is put forward, so as to promote the better development, improve the economic benefit.
Keywords:Chengdu GaoLian , brand promotion, product, service
就考研辅导市场而言,自改革开放以来,市场经济不断发展,经济体制多元化推动了教育体制的多元化发展,社会组织和个人有了相对宽松的环境举办教育事业。另外, 随着我国经济的发展,社会对高学历人才的需求逐年递增,对人的素质、学历的需求越来越高,以及就业压力的增大,使得考研成为许多人的选择,庞大的教育需求进一步促进了考研辅导市场的蓬勃发展。同时,市场经济的快速发展,人民生活水平的提高,经济实力的不断增强,使人们有了足够的经济能力来参加各种以提高自身素质为目的的培训。以市场经济的发展为契机,考研辅导机构也就慢慢演变成一种无法忽视的社会教育组织。据不完全统计,2001年全国硕士研究生报考人数为46万,到2