文档介绍:Flash 幽默动画《中东图书馆之入馆守则》
【摘要】《中东图书馆之入馆守则》是以拉登在 前夕去图书馆借书策划了“”
事件为题材而创作的幽默搞笑类 Flash 动画。其中图书馆守则和“”事件得到了很好的
融合。本文首先分析了优秀Flash 动画作品的艺术风格和技术发展的历程,然后进一步阐明
了幽默搞笑类 Flash 动画的优缺点,最后介绍了作者的 Flash 作品设计的全过程。
【教师点评】作者熟练掌握 Flash 制作软件,深入了解同类题材的Flash 动画的艺术风
格及制作技巧的演进过程,借鉴优秀作品的宝贵经验和技术,制作出具有自己特色的 Flash
Humour flash<The rules of middle east’s library>
Xiaoli Zhang
merce, Dept. Of Information and System Management
College of Management
Student Number :2002042053
Supervisor:Lecturer Cang Chen
【Abstract】 This flash is set the background of the days before event, telling a
funny story of Ben Laden. go to the library to borrow some books for this event in imagination.
And, the rules of library and the event has been harmonized. This report begins with
analyzing the artistic style of excelent Flash and the development of its technology. And then, I
stated the merits and shortpoints of the humour Flash. I introduce the designer's progress of
making this flash at the end.
【Key words】 the artistic style and development of Flash technology, merits
and shortpoints, designing, new idea
作为现代的一种新的设计方式和娱乐方式,Flash 不仅有其实用功能,并且还有视觉和