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The Scheme Design of Chongqing Light Rail Line 3 for Skip-stop Operation
Abstract: In urban rail transit development up to now, the train-stop scheme plays an more and more important role in rail transit operation, and reasonable stop scheme can not only effectively improve the operational efficiency of enterprises, but also improve the level of passenger service. As a newly opened line, Chongqing Light Rail Line 3 since opened in 2012, traffic is increasing, and due to line stop more at the same time, the congestion problem is very serious during the operation of height. Now it is necessary to make a reasonable optimization scheme for the train-stop on the route .In the existing scheme for the train stop at home and abroad research, it has made clear that a reasonable skip-stop operation scheme can effectively solve the problem of congestion during rush hours, improve operation efficiency. At the same time, it also give the corresponding model and algorithm to determine the amount of the scheme ,on this basis, combining operation situation of Chongqing Light Rail Line 3, passenger flow characteristics and the lines mercial environment, we can design the reasonable skip-stop operation scheme in order to effectively alleviate the problem of congestion during rush hours. Finally, after designing a reasonable stop scheme and drawing out the optimized operation diagram, the scheme should be evaluated pared with the status of train diagrams.
Keywords: skip-stop operation; Chongqing rail transit line 3; diagram optimization
摘要 I
Abstract. II
1 绪论 3
研究背景 3


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