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文档介绍:German taboo
1 10:00 until 16:00, the not contracted for. With German businessmen can not booked in advance and can not be late
2 Do not initiate negotiations no basis for the view
3. The negotiations can not prevarication, ambiguous and drag prevarication
4 negotiations hanged joking way to break the silence
Negotiations taboo
1 In general, do not address him by the German name, mostly full name can not be called, or just saying surname
2 best to call "sir", "lady", "or" Miss ", etc., or add mensurate
Called Taboo
Intercourse taboo
1 remember not to pliments
2 In Germany, not random order roses or rose, lily give it away, the former said the courtship, the latter dedicated to Mourn
1 Avoid wearing too casually, in all cases should wear a suit
2avoid conversation with each other too close
3 Four Cross handshake taboo
Invited taboo
Color taboo
Dark brown, black, red and blue.
Don‘t wear white shoes.
Food taboos
German favorite pork, beef, and only secondarily turn.
German taboo to eat walnuts.
Flowers taboo
In Germany, should not be given away free to the Rose or Rose, the former said the courtship, the latter dedicated to Mourn
Tableware taboo
Knives, scissors and knives, forks and other Western cutle