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上传人:baixue 2014/1/25 文件大小:0 KB




1. 现在网上购物已成为一种时尚
2. 网上购物有很多好处,但也有不少问题
3. 我的建议
Online Shopping
Enormous strides of the have paved the way for the mushrooming of online shopping, which is gaining growing popularity for the past year or two, a prevailing trend that we cannot afford to lose sight of. According to a recent survey conducted by Sina Weibo, an immensely popular microblogging service in the Middle Kingdom, approximately 90 percent of the respondents have once done web shopping。
It is beyond doubt that shopping enjoys a host of virtues. To name only a few: the prices of modities and services you desire to purchase are typically lower in online shops than that in physical ones, and the sellers in some cases grant a bulk discount of some stuff possessing the same quality as offline items to consumers in an effort to boost sales volume; web-based shopping, to some extent, empowers customers to e increasingly adept at employing the to determine how to spend their money offline。
Despite the various strengths of -based shopping, the dark sides of it also exist, however. Take a concrete example. A tiny minority of merchants with evil motives use the false information to trick people into parting with credit cards and other personal details, which cost consumers dearly。
From my own perspective, the benefits of online shopping outweigh its disadvantages. Simply put, we are supposed to capitali