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上传人:新起点 2015/12/8 文件大小:0 KB




文档介绍:Ed Oay hailed his inrentton belorc stockholden, 1976.
EMS --ElectronicPower Thoi Could
Chonge The World's EconomicPower Picture
hough harrassedby the au. that is, if the establishmentwill get were ihwarted by serious legal
thorities,under-financed and offhh back. Droblemswhich rec€ntly were resolved
ignored by science,business A socialqualitY known as "resis_ ;hen h€ agreedto plca
' and indu;try, Ed;in v. Gray, a seli tanceto chan8e"and anolhercalled to a minor secunlresano ange
11. €ducatedLos Angelesinventor has de- the "economicstatus quo" havemade
', veloped s revoiutionaryelectromag. Gray'sstruggl€ to developand market Thus neally rwo Yearsof legalen'
aetic motor that promisesto greauy h's motor a tale of bitter trustration. tanglementscame 10 a legal
1 irnproveconditions for lhe world. Most peoplewould havequit in des- coslsalone hav€ been near ruinous.
A vast new technologyis opening pairlong ago. He's won someimPoltanl batlles,
becaus€Cray inventeda molor that However,tireless experimenlation but he couldyet losethe war.
deliv€rssuper€fficient horsepower at and remarkabledetermination have Gravt slart in life wasn'!Promis_
lower costwith lesswear and tear than paid off in a technologicaltdumph ina. H; wasone of six childr,n of a
any other device known. His EMS that brinas the heretofoleuntapped poor Washington,D