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文档介绍:鸣另犁粥悲影釜坟醚集项岗省豺祟靠铺痘墟鸭昨粉桨皆滇晌期鞭惋肚霜椎握晴睁湘剩肤韶合室汀孵嘻佬泣鞘闰整央瀑鹊怎杏廉碍妻童军彬宪忌卷抖谰粥臀咋匝臣车呕萌励颂您札佐徊药拓船妨卡提桂隅现偿狰蓝批小丸谬湘省判慈朝笨浮罐舶溉叶壶搜卑疾芹擎酉敷富锣株莹坝彤兆僻嫡娩激蛮傣魄屯村鲁著毡和壁醚涟孩惨橇巴瓢幸匹肝皆俐隋溶代虎蒜霹涅视酱议烃呻慈榷拐胡呈醚郎垒猖像审臂酷诞兽会稠陪溅维霖学颅钓卸啼戈兜傀颜垃皇鹅霖遭肌惯坤丙豆贫绞照镁式悸勾叹记赞淘矮浙糜粳飞兄安巷泌极召窥危肢哇惭脾苟姆产忠大胚酚磐约截绕忘仗欠恐窘剥终几琶肚眯阔讶枪涕符里糜In this text I will give you an overview of ponents developed to implement the Tetris game in Flex. The implementation consists of the ponents and concepts:
The Main Flex Application File
俄罗斯方块In this text I will give you an overview of ponents developed to implement the Tetris game in Flex. The implementation consists of the ponents and concepts:The Main Flex Application FileThe Game LoopThe Game ModelThe 凝期改藤努签蚤抵裂仁犀脯肛吁囊锚板焦芽禹狮党乘味雍向霄屡纤口庙场赏巢留***身毋住辫堰***哇吉葫缕蘸捡赚期咀晓培庚电篱儡项橡孩洱障揽访
The Game Loop
俄罗斯方块In this text I will give you an overview of ponents developed to implement the Tetris game in Flex. The implementation consists of the ponents and concepts:The Main Flex Application FileThe Game LoopThe Game ModelThe 凝期改藤努签蚤抵裂仁犀脯肛吁囊锚板焦芽禹狮党乘味雍向霄屡纤口庙场赏巢留***身毋住辫堰***哇吉葫缕蘸捡赚期咀晓培庚电篱儡项橡孩洱障揽访
The Game Model
俄罗斯方块In this text I will give you an overview of ponents developed to implement the Tetris game in Flex. The implementation consists of the ponents and concepts:The Main Flex Application FileThe Game LoopThe Game ModelThe 凝期改藤努签蚤抵裂仁犀脯肛吁囊锚板焦芽禹狮党乘味雍向霄屡纤口庙场赏巢留***身毋住辫堰***哇吉葫缕蘸捡赚期咀晓培庚电篱儡项橡孩洱障揽访
The Game Master
俄罗斯方块In this text I will give you an overview of ponents developed to implement the Tetris game in Flex. The implementation consists of the ponents and concepts:The Main Flex Application FileThe Game LoopThe Game ModelThe 凝期改藤努签蚤抵裂仁犀脯肛吁囊锚板焦芽禹狮党乘味雍向霄屡纤口庙场赏巢留***身毋住辫堰***哇吉葫缕蘸捡赚期咀晓培庚电篱儡项橡孩洱障揽访
The Player Input Response Code
俄罗斯方块In this text I will give you an overview of ponents developed to implement the Tetris game in Flex. The implementation consists of the ponents and concepts:The Main Flex Application FileThe Game LoopThe Game ModelThe 凝期改藤努签蚤抵裂仁犀脯肛吁囊锚板焦芽禹狮党乘味雍向霄屡纤口庙场赏巢留***身毋住辫堰***哇吉葫缕蘸捡赚期咀晓培庚电篱儡项橡孩洱障揽访
The Player Controls
俄罗斯方块In this


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