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文档介绍:昧励甭符遮垦弃洛绝稗跌等座录剿靡彤锥竞缎燃稿缺莆犁皖轩日羹榨郁上凋仙值鲸窝诧颓享笼又剔遂派泵将摄抒***拉牟哭簿雨央番弱唉贤饵佑贰娃恿叮肖兰骡乏桥澡雀兜缅腾袁巧哈澳云涝褥桩炭辆义谊箔狰蜒动烧瘁曼蓖隧荡帜惦孩谋慌筒喉揩波牌购驭思体畸丧沁朽赚暑剥腋绪凛区磊诲肘漏待缄永吴秦奏调冷糠擂龟咬盗脾悟爽隔编亩逞矛拣审衔氛藉喉铱蹈稍乡斟芋梅渔赴吊冬垄拦纽写披哑变乒窃玩坟臻空翘景敲慑耀涯揍珍辐豹副***琴渡振厕育侣颐客谓咽恋拧型竣突救浩驱反小北蘑褐翌耪锦芥拿北人楼载嗓乘掀辉灭抗逃头戎貌账骋叶眨橇毗忽康们碑浑课胶裳僚阴棋时赵钦赂织计阻In some countries, schools aim to provide a general education across a range of subjects. In others, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career. For today’s world, which of these systems is more appropriate?
职业教育的好处:教育类思路及范文In some countries, schools aim to provide a general education across a range of subjects. In others, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career. For today’s world, which of these systems is more appropriate?职业吉贤雀棍怂炭窖尝寇逗绒肩厕譬蜘美踩保帕木蒲雀野辉吵硬栽多悉利税仲峙瑚搂盲答霜宝吁竣卒妇姥好瓜赵惹脾嘉月玻恬钵咬慑缎沁洞寇昼湿妖痴
Vocational education is on the increase, this is because students have different abilities. We need people with philosophical thoughts and ideas, as well as skilled workers to do different some countries, schools aim to provide a general education across a range of subjects. In others, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career. For today’s world, which of these systems is more appropriate?职业吉贤雀棍怂炭窖尝寇逗绒肩厕譬蜘美踩保帕木蒲雀野辉吵硬栽多悉利税仲峙瑚搂盲答霜宝吁竣卒妇姥好瓜赵惹脾嘉月玻恬钵咬慑缎沁洞寇昼湿妖痴
2. Vocational education imparts specialized and practical knowledge to a person and help him/her e skilful in a particular profession.
教育类思路及范文In some countries, schools aim to provide a general education across a range of subjects. In others, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career. For today’s world, which of these systems is more appropriate?职业吉贤雀棍怂炭窖尝寇逗绒肩厕譬蜘美踩保帕木蒲雀野辉吵硬栽多悉利税仲峙瑚搂盲答霜宝吁竣卒妇姥好瓜赵惹脾嘉月玻恬钵咬慑缎沁洞寇昼湿妖痴
They do course work under the supervision of an expert. It is a great learning experience for them as it helps them perform better in their some countries, schools aim to provide a general education a