文档介绍:第 37 卷,增刊红外与激光工程 2008 年 9 月
Supplement Infrared and Laser Engineering Sep. 2008
(电子科技大学空天科学技术研究院,四川成都 610054)
应大于 mW;另外,不考虑温度影响时,采用多周期计数可以使测量精度达到亚毫米量级,但是实
验测得温度变化 30 ℃,测量距离将因电路延迟而变化 cm,因此,高精度测距必须进行温控。
关键词:光通信; 无线激光通信; 激光测距; 反馈式脉冲测距
中图分类号:V433+.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-2276(2008)增( 激光探测) -0245-04
Accuracy analysis on a prototype bined with optical
munication and laser rangefinding
HU Wei, JIANG Da-gang, DENG Ke, CHEN Yan, YAO Zhou-shi
(Aeronautics and Ast ronautics Insti tut e of UESTC, Chengdu 610054, Chi na)
Abstra ct: A prototype is presented, bined with optical munication and Laser
Rangefinding, in order to integrate two payloads. munication module and rangefinding module
share most of hardware, such as: detector, laser source, pre-amplifier and laser driver. Therefore, previous
communication can be easily upgraded by adding shaping and counting circuit. The theoretical and
experimental researches are focused on two main error sources: SNR and temperature. The result shows
that the low SNR causes period measurement fluctuation fiercely, the optimization receive power should be
great than mW. Furthmore, wh