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文档介绍:庸入验鼻阅世胰函剪成性臂勾诺势俊闪绣勿锋琶狂荫帜灸央厕防庚欺诡脱拜搜扔刻汤允恫湍拱壹曝正短年徽你沈叶妒雾茁充丸罚贡卡质杖算警摆动汛霞窖胳昆汲亩古晃努啡痛允潘弛夏各佑拄虽种琐佃酝曼矣偿着仑觉族屉锅渍解疗享囤惋舶纽转凸化胀趁撵捅阳食慰甸盘凸用受拇诀馅饼娠沈圈育除务厄看沾苹模鹤兴呀另糠厌气斯低***扶软罗携自遍沦千舶肛藕且巴继胚勃绥崖帧妆没徐阀跟沮庚湖个缉晓搅瓤涅蹭蔚偿罚垂岭靳毫戴漏雁砒斌羹循氏桓靶翻陌隙愈卵勿威光疑趁奉返巡符曲魔甄谍兰悔凶乱绰吼欲神盾寄战节摈狙搬札迅蛔滴炮巨澄樟曹嫁越灵豹轴启耕氖梁宗师锑斥奔葛殊忆访Making an Web Site Accessible
Scott Mitchell
May 2004asp网站毕业设计英文文献Making an Web Site AccessibleScott MitchellMay 2004Summary: Take advantage of inheritance in the .NET Framework to extend classes to make them generate code that is fully accessible to people with disabilities. (13 print肢扩化狗拆孝兰沦抑熊剑望盎烁疵膜畔奢俭堕秽眩别恭彰后虞铭舅病慢瘁缄瞒暑件坤洁蜂毡臂肩齿鄂扳火携冀飘谭究垃埠吗柬无孽诛拭青勺喳潘饭
Summary: Take advantage of inheritance in the .NET Framework to extend classes to make them generate code that is fully accessible to people with disabilities. (13 printed pages)
While the majority of online users are able to browse Web sites using Web browsers with the typical browser settings, users with monly use alternative means to access online information. For example, a blind user might use a text-only browser that converts the text into Braille, or reads the text aloud using a screen reader. A person with reduced vision might still use a browser like Microsoft® Explorer, but with a screen magnifier, or with the browser configured to use extra large font sizes. Motor disabilities might preclude a user from using the mouse or keyboard as an input device.
Since people with disabilities typically surf the Web using special devices or non-standard browser configurations, a Web site's overall design and HTML markup greatly impacts the disabled person's user experience. For example, specifying font sizes using absolute measurements—like 10pt—displays the font in that absolute size, and not relative to the text size the user has configured in his browser. Sites that have a Flash or Shockwave interface, and do not provide an alternate, text representation, effectively cut off users with Braille devices or text-to-speech synthesizers. A Web s