1、陈传淡,双曲型守恒方程若干差分格式收敛性判别法及高分辨率的度量,厦门大学学报(自) 41(2)(2002)160-163.
2、陈传淡,基于几何观点讨论守恒双曲型方程黎曼问题的形式,厦门大学学报(自),41(3)(2002) 287-290.
3、程金发,一阶差分方程解振动性的充分必要条件,厦门大学学报(自),41(4)(2002) 423-426.
4、程金发,Oscillation Criteria for mth Order Neutral Functional Difference Equations,Acta Mathematica Scientia,45(6) (2002)1207-1212.(注:5的英文稿)
5、程金发,m阶中立型泛涵差分方程的振动性准则,数学学报,45(6)(2002) 207-1212.
6、Lixin Cheng(程立新),Yingbin Ruan and Yanmei Teng,Approximation of Convex Functions on the Dual of Banach Spaces,Journal of Approximation Theorey,116(2002) 126-140.
8、Xiaofeng Guo(郭晓峰),Pierre Hansen,Maolin Zheng,Boundary Uniqueness of Fusenes ,Discrete Applied Mathematics ,118 (2002) 209-222.
9、Yachun Liu,Xiaofeng Guo(郭晓峰),Jin Xu,Linqiang,and Shiying Wang,Some Notes on 2-D Graphical Representation of DNA Sequences ,J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci.,42 (2002) 529-533.
10、Xiaofeng Guo (郭晓峰)and Milan Randic,Recursive Formulae for Enumeration of LM-Conjugated Circuits in Structurally Related Benzenoid Hydrocarbons ,J. Math. Chemistry ,30 (2002) 325-342.
11、Zhixia Xu and Xiaofeng Guo(郭晓峰),The construction and the recognition of planar one-cycle resonant graphs,Graph Theory Notes of New York,XLII (2002) 44-48.
12、黄荣坦,厦门港集装箱吞吐量的时间序列模型,中国管理科学,10 (2002) 66-69.?