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Black Listed Cancer Treatment.pdf

上传人:bolee65 2014/2/4 文件大小:0 KB


Black Listed Cancer Treatment.pdf


文档介绍:Black Listed Cancer
Could Save Your Life
Dear Friend,
As unbelievable as it seems the key to stopping many cancers has
been around for over 30 years. Yet it has been banned. Blocked.
And kept out of your medicine by the very agency
designed to protect your health -- the FDA.
In 1966, the senior oncologist at a prominent NY hospital rocked
the medical world when he developed a serum that "shrank
cancer tumors in 45 minutes!"
Headlines hit every major paper around the world. Scientists and
researchers applauded. Time and again this life-saving treatment
worked miracles, but the FDA shut him down, ignoring the

research he had done and the hope he had given to many.
You read that right. He was not only shut down -- but also forced
out of the United States where others may have benefited from
his discovery. That was 32 years ago. How many other treatments
have they been allowed to hide? Just as in the case of this miracle
serum, these too go unmentioned.
Two-Nutrient Cancer Breakthrough...
Decades ago, European research scientist Dr. Johanna Budwig, a
six-time Nobel Award nominee, discovered a totally natural
formula. It not only protects against the development of cancer,
but fights existing cancer as well. People all over the world who
were diagnosed with incurable cancer and sent home to die have
greatly benefit


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