【摘要】灯盏花为菊科飞蓬属短葶飞蓬Erigeron breviscapus Hand.-,多年生草本植物,含有黄酮、吡喃酮、咖啡酸酯、酚酸类等50多种化合物。其活性成分主要为灯盏乙素,具有清除自由基、抗氧化,抗心律失常,保护心脏,抗血栓形成,保护脑缺血神经,减少脑组织缺血及再灌注损害,增强肝脏解毒功能,保护糖尿病性肝脏、肾脏等药效作用。
Abstract:Erigeron breviscapus is a grass plant positae Erigeron breviscapus Hand.-Maz that lives many years. It contains more than fifty kinds of pound, such as flavone, tetrahydro-pyran-4-one, caffeate, phenolic acids. The most pound of Erigeron breviscapu is Scutellarin, which can clean out free radical, possess antioxidation function, protect heart and has a remarkable activity against thrombos formation and arrhythmia. Scutellarin can also protect cerebral nerves and brain tissue after cerebral ischemia and reperfusion, strengthen the detoxication of liver and keep the function of liver following diabetes. It can also protect nephridial tissue and improve the condition of hemorheology on diabetic nephropathy.
Key words:Erigeron breviscapus; Flavone; Scutellarin; Pharmacological function
breviscapus Hand.-,又名灯盏细辛、东菊,广布于我国西部及西南部中山和亚高山开阔山坡草地和林缘[1]。其性寒味微苦、甘温辛,具有散热解表、活血化淤、通经活络、舒经治瘫、祛风除湿、消炎止痛等功效,在临床上对心、脑血管疾病具有特殊疗效。民间用于治疗感冒头痛、筋骨酸痛、小儿疳积、小儿麻痹后遗症和脑炎后瘫痪等症。近几年来,对其生物学特性及药效功能进行了大量的研究,拓宽了临床应用范围。
1 灯盏花的生物学特征
灯盏花为多年生草本植物,株高20~40 cm,根粗壮发达,茎纤细,叶基生,形成莲座状。基生叶椭圆形,长3~5 cm,~ cm,有毛。茎生叶长椭圆形,长2 cm, cm。头状花序,顶生,直径1~ cm,边缘为紫色舌状花冠,中央为黄色管状花