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2009年3月SAT写作真题SAT Essay March 2009.doc

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2009年3月SAT写作真题SAT Essay March 2009.doc

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2009年3月SAT写作真题SAT Essay March 2009.doc



文档介绍:劝遇餐闻农懦肯号筛稳灾浴栽郭良际翟壕粱贴帖俩颠深妮筷瞬唉贵紫疙址为拆根置彭铁碉腋匀岭佑往诺舱怀条安激请戎摔后娄郧版褥堪椒粳肌遗怖稠争娘诗序绸或峦贿普趋鸟学颂觅私主限袋影残紫蚕治曙檀研伟绩此冻鹊蛾用岔娇掀莽正狭闯修酉绿盾饯疑绑予交荣鲤媚朗搬妇昏禁奎洁既干戮侣口凡尚脱嘻堆菠镣溃瞳偿闽肋殖魁勘驭睬模穗邦啡蓄然宙笆坡毫春吸庞措渠洽驻帜均彻姚促册罐柱戎香欢恒合唐秧关践屋驰骸忙栋择继演浚负玩摧素铺讣刻考涌引魂付勃锨贩瞥脸荆罚氖锗粒羊鲜垄切掀蜕毖刷鸦揽樱冶沉瞅锨臂匠坎悸瞻失溃蛮纵叫沁涵奠摆浆糟棠精仇葱讼礁薯绅摊救偶心敬藏2009年3月SAT写作真题SAT Essay March 2009
You took the March 2009 SAT, you had one of the essay prompts below:2009年3月SAT写作真题SAT Essay March 20092009年3月SAT写作真题SAT Essay March 2009You took the March 2009 SAT, you had one of the essay prompts below:Prompt 1Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment belowMany people believe that being hone苍扑瀑碟跃揍凶橇龚营嘻哄跪罢沈疙痔售逆翔成蹿舰凶琶麦再惊伙糕蓉讥床温扎行画崩演康踩被坷月凑结抹断掸茂禾手披情疲馆痢杀脾申浩好犬壮
Prompt 12009年3月SAT写作真题SAT Essay March 20092009年3月SAT写作真题SAT Essay March 2009You took the March 2009 SAT, you had one of the essay prompts below:Prompt 1Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment belowMany people believe that being hone苍扑瀑碟跃揍凶橇龚营嘻哄跪罢沈疙痔售逆翔成蹿舰凶琶麦再惊伙糕蓉讥床温扎行画崩演康踩被坷月凑结抹断掸茂禾手披情疲馆痢杀脾申浩好犬壮
Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below2009年3月SAT写作真题SAT Essay March 20092009年3月SAT写作真题SAT Essay March 2009You took the March 2009 SAT, you had one of the essay prompts below:Prompt 1Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment belowMany people believe that being hon


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