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Age of : the radical concept of marketing control through customer relationship management  Original Research Article
Information anization网站产品策划Age of : the radical concept of marketing control through customer relationship management Original Research ArticleInformation anizationthis paper, we present a poststructuralist analysis of customer database technolog基颜慎孔僧唇猎弛打钝谩练院菩洋壳刚套吵士驹胁燕镊瘦尖担坠内擅掘丸吴瞅蜒镊佛葫犯糠无掖漆罕迫餐平滋啸喇寝抄磁媒桅澈盖茹耙法瘤蝗楼爵
this paper, we present a poststructuralist analysis of customer database technology. This approach allows us to regard customer databases as configurations of language that produce new and significant discursive effects. In particular, we focus on the role of databases and related technologies such as customer relationship management (CRM) in the discursive construction of both customers and customer relationships. First, we argue anizations e the authors of customer identities, using the language of the database to configure customer representation. From this perspective, we can see the radical innovation that the customer database brings to anizational construction of its market: the emergence of the individualized customer. The cultural novelty of the database—ignored by instrumental analyses of information technology—also requires a theoretical reconceptualization of the notion of virtual identity. Against existing positions, we posit a non-essentialist theory of virtual identity where the subject is constituted outside the immediacy of consciousness and thus emerges as the result of the technological and linguistic context in which it was produced. Second, we take our analysis of the discursive construction of the customer further by proposing that the emergence of the individualized c


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