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文档介绍:Introduction puter Forensics
Software Piracy Case
Di Huang puter and software college
puter application class 2
Abstract: In an investigation of a case of suspected software piracy. An individual is believed to be copying software at their residence and selling it with cracked encryption keys. The police have received a search warrant and have brought you with them to identify and gather evidence. This report shows a brief section on the methodology to conduct the investigation with a Minimal Chain of Custody document.
Keywords: Investigation, Forensics, Methodology
Section 1:
Before this assessment begin, there are some information i should give first, i have been asked to help in an investigation into a case of suspected software piracy. An individual is believed to be copying software at their residence and selling it with cracked encryption keys. The police have received a search warrant and have brought you with them to identify and gather evidence.
And this assessment is all about the steps, the methodology you are going to use to conduct the investigation. All i am done are follwed the process of the forensics:
1. Preparation for the investigation
2. Collection of the data;
3. Examination;
4. Analysis;
5. Reporting
The forensics proecss
Preparation for the investigation.
Before I have been the scene, I should know abo


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