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上传人:hytkxy 2016/1/3 文件大小:0 KB





文档介绍:I摘要宁夏位于我国西部地区,由于政治、经济上城乡二元结构,宁夏城乡居民的消费水平和消费结构存在着明显差距,改革开放至今,这种差距一直存在且有进一步扩大的趋势。研究和分析城乡居民消费差异的原因以及探讨缩小差异的对策,进而引导和促进城市和农村居民不断提高消费水平和消费质量,对于宁夏的经济发展具有重要的意义。首先,采用《宁夏城乡居民消费观念问卷》,对银川、中卫、固原等城市和农村的283名居民的消费观念进行了调查,,研究其消费观念差异及特点;其次,以消费经济理论为基础,采用比较研究和实证研究的方法,利用宁夏统计年鉴2001-2010年上的数据,对宁夏城乡居民的消费水平和消费结构进行了分析。研究结果表明:(1)修订后的《宁夏城乡居民消费观念问卷》,具有良好的信度和效度。;对《消费价值目标》和《消费价值手段》两个问卷进行信度检验发现,。(2)城乡居民消费观念在象征性、体验性、情感性、功能性、超前性、保守性、传统性7个维度上都存在显著差异,并会受人口统计学变量影响。(3)城乡居民消费结构在食品支出、衣着支出、交通通讯支出、娱乐教育支出、医疗保健支出、居住类、家庭设备支出、居住支出、杂项支出8大类上存在明显差异。(4)消费观念会影响消费结构。本研究力图探寻宁夏城乡居民消费观念的特点及其与消费结构的关系,进而为企业和政府在市场经济中的决策提出相应的政策建议,促进城乡共同发展。关键词:宁夏城乡居民消费观念消费结构IIAbstract Ningxia is located in the western part of our country. Due to the dualistic structure of city and town with regard to ecomomy and politics,there is a remarkable gap between the consumption level and consumption structure of urban residents and rural residents. Since the implimentation of reform and opening-up policy,this gap has always existed and shows a tend of further expansion. Therefore,probing into and analyzing the reason of the gap,discussing the policies to narrow the gap, guiding and promoting the urban and rural residents to increase their consumption level and consumption quality are of great imporance to the ecomonic development of Ningxia . Firstly, the paper surveyed 283 people’s consumption concept in urban and rural areas such as Yinchuan, Zhongwei and Guyuan by adopting a questionnaire about residents’ consumption concept both in urban and rural areas of Ningxia. It processed data by virtue of some statistical softwares such as and discussed the differences and characteristics of the consumption concept. Then, based on consumption economy theory, the paper analyzed the consumption level and structure of urban and rural residents in Ningxia by adopting contrastive and empirical research method research approaches and the data used in Ningxia statistical almanac