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文档介绍:The Secret OfBermuda Triangle百慕大三角之谜New Wordstriangle 三?形conjecture 猜想,猜测ballute 氢?球Cuba 古巴weapon 武器,兵器participate参与,参加Caribbean 加勒比海的exquisite 精致的,精美的vessel 船,舰Abduct 诱拐 Questions? is the feature of Bermuda’s scenery?? are the three types of odd things in Bermuda??As we allknow , nowadays , a kind of TV play is very popular , that is about travelling through time.?I think,even though you haven’t seen them,you must have heard about them.?So do you want a chance to travel through time??And do you believe that would be happened in our world??Now ,I want to tell you a real story.?In 1990,there was a ballute suddenly appeared at the area of this made the government of Cuba very treated it as a secret weapon from America .?At the same time,the two ballute drivers were also confused,they said they participated in a ballute race,and suddenly felt a little pain,then they saw the blue sky and a plane which made them down.?Yes,there was a ballute race at Caribbean in was a lovely day for the race,but suddenly one of the ballutes disappeared from the sky.?That is to say the two drivers had flied from 1954 to 1990 's one of the mysterious and fantastic things happened in Bermuda Triangle.?什么是百慕大三角??魔鬼死亡 What and where is the deathly Bermuda Triangle ??The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Sea, is a triangle-shaped stretch of ocean between Miami(迈阿密), Bermuda and Puerto Rico(波多黎各) in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean. The area is one of the most heavily traveled shipping lanes in the world, with ships crossing through it daily for ports in the Americas, Europe, and the Caribbean


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