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文档介绍:HP FY99 wholesaler directionHP FY99 wholesaler directionPart one:Product ManagerPart two:Channel SalesPart three:Channel evolution in 1999Part fourReview toolsPart fiveBFT introductionPart 1Part 1如何成为成功的产品经理Product ManagerProduct Manager产品经理培训产品经理培训n产品经理做什么–市场开发的产品专家–使运做成本最小化–专注产品线与产品分类–产品价值的创造者–固定的基本薪水–订购可销售的产品–创造市场拉力n销售经理做什么–渠道开发的销售专家–使利润最大化–专注于客户–产品价值的提升与传递–佣金薪水–销售我们所拥有的产品–加强市场推力A essful PMA essful PMIn-depth product and market knowledge- market survey & research, customer study- channel needs & segment developmentFocused market development efforts with balanced PL result- clear segment identification- essful product category management- time to marketOperational efficiency and advancement- forecast and review, readiness and accuracy of operational data- product plan at different stage of the life cycle- competitor analysis- work with HP in leading the change- value added selling modelWhat should a PM do?What should a PM do?Business Managementunderstand “customer” needssupply chain managementgenerate the demandunderstand the environment & situationproactively refrain petitorsProduct Managementproduct line and product category managementinventory planning and managementproduct cycle managementsell through managementMeasurement for the Product ManagerMeasurement for the Product ManagerBusiness Managementknowledge about market, competition, channelapply different strategies to develop the marketeffective use of marketing foundcoverage and segment developmentProduct ManagementPL quota achievementsforecast accuracy, operating cost analysis, inventory turnsproduct scrap cost, fire-sale costsell through analysis, TAT, out-of-stock ratioindustrial ratio, vendor and market growth rateProduct Management OverviewProduct Management OverviewnPM has not been given adequate focusnMany has not receive the right level of leadership from the wholesaler’s management teamnExample:–Is it good for a PM to be a Portfolio manager?–What do a PM do after a price is set?–What reporting do