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画蛇添足 2-课件(ppt).ppt

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画蛇添足 2-课件(ppt).ppt

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画蛇添足 2-课件(ppt).ppt



文档介绍:Every day, Taotao, Maomao and Xiaoxiao would meet the auntie selling ice-cream on their way to school. Her voice was as sweet as an ice-cream."Wow, that ice-cream must be yummy!" Taotao thought."If only i can tasteit once."Xiaoxiao thought. "But i don't have so much money!"Maomao said ashe touched the coins in his stared at one another and started to look around for coins. When they had dug out all the money, they found out they could only buy one ice-cream."With only one ice-cream, who should eat it?" Taotao was a bit said:" Why not pete to draw a snake, the one who can drawthe fastest will get all the money?" This was indeed a good idea."Guys, letme be yourjudge!"Uncle Pipe took a wooden ladder from a truck and then borrowed paintbrushesand a small water bucket from the department store nearby. Xiaoxiao shookhis head and asked:" But where can we draw without paper?"Uncle Pipe happily pointed to his big truck and said:" All of you can draw onmy big truck! It is so ugly now without anything on it!"Three of them moved quickly and shouted:" One, two, three and petition have started!"Taotao was the first to finish his drawing and took a pair of binoculars to lookat how Xiaoxiao is was still attentively drawing the snake's tail. "Aiyaya, he is so slow! I havealready finished drawing!" Taotao started laughing at Xiaoxiao and then thought to himself:"Seems like i still have time to draw legs for the snake!"


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