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上传人:朱海龙 2014/2/24 文件大小:0 KB




Sophy Brent came to visit me nearly every day. She made me feel uneasy most of the time. She smoked 11 and never used an ashtray. She followed me into the kitchen while I made tea or coffee or supper and 12 herself to the children's orange juice. She made a great hit with my two-year-old daughter Flora, who would 13 about her for hours and refer to her lovingly as "sofa", and she was always talking about my husband and asking me where he was.
I could not decide why she chose my 14 , although I realized that nobody else paid her very much attention. Her situation was very difficult in that she was 15 out of drama school and only een, but being 16 to play a leading part in pany of fairly 17 and experienced actors. They would not have liked her much even if she had been good, and as, from all accounts, she was not good so they took every 18 to run her down. I think she thought that I was the only person around who was both unconnected with the theatre and tolerably 19 . To associate with me was not, at any rate, to step down the scale. And for my part, although I felt troubled by her I did not dislike her. There was something genuinely outstanding in her personality, and she had such physical 20 that with me she could get away with anything. She was nice to have around, like flowers or a bowl of fruit.
A. helped B. smart B. constantly D. treated
E. requir


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