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新世纪大学英语视听说4 unit4.ppt

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新世纪大学英语视听说4 unit4.ppt

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新世纪大学英语视听说4 unit4.ppt


文档介绍:My job is for an active person — it’s not a desk should be careful with the patients, especially when you are moving someone who is patients are polite and some are need to be pleasant with all the paramedic often works with no supervisor there, so it’s important to be an independent emergency call e at any paramedic should be punctual ing to day is different. You have to be LinkJob qualities John works as a paramedic. Read what he says about his job. Lesson B Dream jobsLesson A Work historyaware of danger _______able to change easily _______able to work alone ___________nice to people ________busy and energetic _______on time _________Vocabulary carefulLook at the words in the box. Write a word for each definition below. Job qualities flexibleindependentLesson B Dream , careful, pleasant, independent, punctual, flexible Lesson A Work historyVocabulary LinkMatch the words on the left with their opposites on the right. Job qualities active B Dream jobsLesson A Work historyListeningProper namesAliceDiane Mimi Other words shifton my feettipon stage go out punctual flexibleLanguage NotesWhat’s the job?Here are some words you will hear in a talk. Read them B Dream jobsLesson A Work historyListeningWhat’s the job?KeysListen to three people talking about their jobs. Write Alice, Diane, or Mimi under the appropriate picture. 1. ___________2. ___________3. ___________Lesson B Dream jobsLesson A Work historyListeningWhat’s the job?Listen to three people talking about their jobs. Write Alice, Diane, or Mimi under the appropriate picture. 1. ___________2. ___________3. ___________DianeMimiAliceLesson B Dream jobsLesson A Work historya. Alice works seven days a week. _______b.


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