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文档介绍:MiyazakiHayao宫崎骏Animation director animation master cartoonist?Hayao Miyazaki is a famous Japanese animation director, was born in Tokyo in January 5, 1941, and graduated from Tokyo, Japan, Tokyo, Japan Hayao Miyazaki Animation in the world has an irreplaceable position,Disney said the "Akira Kurosawa animation industry", is the award-winning, Miyazaki has mented: "there was no moon in thenight sky can be, but in the animation industry can not be Hayao Miyazaki". Enough to see him in the animation industry importance ?宫崎骏是日本著名动画片导演,1941年5月生于东京,毕业于日本东京学****院大学,宫崎骏在全球动画界具有无可替代的地位,迪斯尼称其为“动画界的黑泽明”,更是获奖无数,曾有人如此评价宫崎骏:“夜空中可以没有月亮,但在动画界不能没有宫崎骏”。足可见他在动画界的重要性。?鲁邦三世卡里奥斯特罗之城 Castle of Cagliostro ?风之谷 of the Valley of the Winds ?天空之城 Castle in the Sky ?魔女宅急便Kiki's Delivery Service ?红猪red pig?千与千寻Spirited Away ?哈尔的移动城堡Howl's Moving Castle ?太阳王子霍尔斯的大冒险 The Great Adventure of Horus ?借东西的小人阿莉埃蒂Karigurashi no arietti ?阿里巴巴与四十大盗Ali Baba and Forty Thieves ?悬崖上的金鱼公主Ponyo on the Cliff ?来自虞美人之坡Kokuriko zaka kara ?猫的报恩the cat return?幽灵公主princess mononoke?地海战记tales from Earthsea?熊猫家族panda!go panda?龙猫totoroworksQianhe is a thin ten old story of the "spirited away" from her body began follow my parents from the city to move to another city,on the way of what happened a wonderful 》,途中所发生的一段奇妙旅程.?The theatre on the eve o f war in animation version for background, describe lived in the small town of the three sisters, one of the big sister Sophie is a production of hat brought in, but she was so against the witch, from 18 years old girl into a 90-year-old old woman. Her heart to escape from home, but again entered a magic castle with the move, she and can't and people fell in love but understand magic Hal, figuring out a rating field, and other people in the castle and ways to solve the body with magic spells. 《龙猫》以战争前夜为背景,描述住在小镇的三姐妹,其中的大姐苏菲是位制作帽子的手艺人,但她却因此得罪了女巫,从18岁的少女变成了90岁的老太婆。她惊恐地逃出家里,但又进入了一座带有魔法的移动城堡,她和不能与人相恋但