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文档介绍:1Fire Emergency Evacuation Procedures灭火和应急疏散程序2The hotel establishes the Fire Emergency mittee., which is divided into the Fire Fighting Team and the Evacuation Team. The mander will take charge in the mand 、应急疏散指挥部,并分为火灾现场指挥和中心指挥。anization manderGeneral manderResident mittee TeamDirector of EngineerSecurity MangerDirectors / Department Heads总指挥总经理副总指挥驻店经理成员工程总监保安部经理各部门总监Fire Emergency prises as follows紧急控制中心组织成员4The mand Centre控制中心总指挥The GM takes charge and Security Manager 、保安经理在紧急控制中心协助The Main Duty 主要任务With accordance to the report by the Fire Fighting Team, the mander will decides if the situation needs fire fighting, rescuing and evacuating instructions. The Security Manager assists in mander to bring the instructions into operation and ensure that each municates ,及时下达灭火、救援、疏散等各项指令。保安经理协助总指挥做好各项指令下达后的落实工作,确保各项指令传达到位。Division and Responsibility分工及职责5Fire Fighting Team 现场指挥员The Security Supervisor and Engineering Supervisor will take charge of the Fire Fighting 、工程部主管负责火场指挥员的工作。The fire fighting team is directed by the Security and Engineering Supervisor. The prises of Security, Engineering and Duty Manager who will be the first to arrive at the reported site. 灭火作战组隶属于火场指挥员管理。人员组成由:第一时间赶到火警现场的灭火组(工程部、保安部人员)和义务消防队员。The Main Duty mand the fire fighting and team ording to the fire location condition, issue the instructions to activate the fire water system, the fire broadcasting, exhausting system and reinforcement fire fighting team to the location and advise the mander to issue evacuation instruction. 根据火场火势情况,向控制中心指挥下达供水系统、消防广播排烟排风系统的启动及灭火增援指令,及建议总指挥下达疏散指令。The fire fighting team should try to pull out the fire within their control plete other missions. 扑灭初起火灾, 根据火场指挥员的指令,完成其它战斗任务。Division and munication munication team is takes charge by the Assistant Security Manager prises of 2-3 (2-3人组成)。The Main Duty 主要任务With the accordance of evacuating instruction by the mander, the Assi