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初中英语定语从句公开课课件 _图文.ppt

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初中英语定语从句公开课课件 _图文.ppt

上传人:chuandao1680 2016/1/16 文件大小:0 KB


初中英语定语从句公开课课件 _图文.ppt



文档介绍:定语从句定语从句?概念:在复合句中修饰名词或代词的句子. (Attributive clause)Mary is a beautiful is a girl who has long ,修饰girl, man is a man is speaking at the : The man who is speaking at the meeting is a is a has long is a girl who has long is a girl who has long , who, whom, whose, thatWhere, when?定语从句的用法:?当先行词是物时, are the treeswhichwere planted last year.?当先行词是人时, 用who, whom, whose, that引导.?who, whom, whose, that用法区别.?who作定语从句的主语或宾语. The man who is speaking at the meeting is a man is a man is speaking at the ?Whom作定语从句的宾语 The woman whom they wanted to visit is a woman is a wanted to visit the ?whose作定语从句的定语. I know the girl whose mother is a know the girl’s mother is a ?:关系代词作动词宾语时可省略. The woman (whom/ that) they wanted to visit is a teacher.