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上传人:中国课件站 2011/10/27 文件大小:0 KB




文档介绍:A Brief Introduction to Nanjing
Natural Environment
-The Geographical Features
-The Measure of the Area & the Population
-The Weather & the Seasons
-Ecology & Environment
-The City Flower & the City Tree
-Economics & Development
-Transportation & munication
The History and Evolution
The Geographical Features
Nanjing, the capital of Jiangsu Province, one of the major cities in the east part of China along the sea and the Yangtze.
Nanjing is also a picturesque city hard to be found in the world for its anic blend of mountains and waters. Dr. Sun Yatsen once praised in “the Tactics to Construct the Country” that “Nanjing locates in a wonderful area where high mountains, deep waters and plains harmonize with each other. It is such a wonder land to be found among the world’s metropolises.”
The Measure of the Area & the Population
Nanjing consists of 11 districts and 2 counties covering a surface area of 6516 square kilometers with a population of million, among which the urban population is nearly 4 million .
The Weather & the Seasons
Nanjing locates in the northern subtropical zone. Its four seasons separate clearly. The winter is cold and the summer is hot with short spring and autumn.
Ecology & Environment
Nanjing has mountains surrounded in its north, east and south. It is called that “The Purple Mountain Winding Like a Dragon, The Stone city Stationing Like a Tiger”.
Zhong Mountain
Lao Mountain
Mufu Mountain
Qixia Mountain
Niushou Mountain
Tang Mountain
Fang Mountain
the Yangtze
the Qinhuai River
Jinchuan River
Shijiu Lake
Gucheng Lake
Xuanwu Lake
Mochou Lake
The City Flower & the City Tree
The city flower of Nanjing: Plum blossom
The city tree of Nanjing: Cedar
Economics & Development
Economics :five mainstay industries of petroleum chemical, automobile and motorbike, electronics and information, biological engineering, pharmacy, machinery and equipment.
Education: Nanjing University, Southeast University, Nanji