Eurocode 1:
Basis of design and
actions on structures—
Part 4: Actions in silos and tanks
Committees responsible for this
Draftfor Development
The preparation of this Draft for Development was entrusted by Technical
Committee B/525, Building and civil engineering structures, to
mitteeB/525/1, Actions (loadings) and basis of design, upon which the
following bodies were represented:
British Constructional Steelwork Association
British Iron and Steel Producers’ Association
British Masonry Society
Concrete Society
Department of the Environment (Building Research Establishment)
Department of the Environment (Property and Buildings Directorate)
Highways Agency
Institution of Structural Engineers
National House-building Council
Royal Institute of British Architects
Steel Construction Institute
This Draft for Development,
having been prepared under
the direction of the Sector Board
for Building and Civil
Engineering, was published
under the authorityof the
Standards es Amendments issued since publication
into effect on
15July 1996 Amd. No. ments
© BSI 02-1999
The following BSI reference
relates to the work on this Draft
for Development:
Committee reference B/525/1
ISBN 0 580 25711 8
Committees responsible Inside front cover
National foreword ii
Foreword 2
Text of ENV 1991-4 5
© BSI 02-1999 i
National foreword
This Draft for Development has been prepared by mittee B/525/1 and is
the English language version of ENV 1991-4:1995 Eurocode 1: Basis of design and
actions on structures — Part 4: Actions in silos and tanks published by the
mittee for Standardization (CEN). This document does not have a
parallel British Standard and, therefore, it has been published for use in the
United Kingdom (UK) without any National Application Document.
ENV 1991-4:1995 results