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part2 第11讲 非谓语动词.ppt

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part2 第11讲 非谓语动词.ppt

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part2 第11讲 非谓语动词.ppt


文档介绍:找出各句的谓语动词并指出其具体形式1. He had a good memory like an 。2. It would be a waste of money building such a luxurious 。1哪些是动词的谓语形式?答案 1. had,过去式 2. would be,附加情态动词的动词原形1哪些是动词的谓语形式? 3. When asked why, please just keep silent. 当问到原因时,就保持沉默。4. The president was warmly ed by the 。答案 3. keep,动词原形 4. was ed,动词的被动形式1谓语动词的形式包括主动句各种时态下的谓语形式和被动句各种时态下的谓语形式以及情态动词与动词连用的各种形式。指出下列动词形式是谓语动词形式还是非谓语动词形式2哪些是动词的非谓语形式?1. teaches ____________________2. teaching ____________________3. will teach ____________________4. having taught ____________________5. was taught ____________________6. are teaching ____________________7. to teach ____________________指出下列动词形式是谓语动词形式还是非谓语动词形式2哪些是动词的非谓语形式?答案非谓语动词形式:2,4,7;谓语动词的形式:1,3,5,6。2动名词,现在分词,不定式与过去分词以及它们相应时态与语态下的各种形式叫作动词的非谓语形式。换言之,不能作谓语的动词形式叫非谓语动词。3非谓语动词的否定式怎么表达?根据汉语提示完成句子(每空一词)1. 因为不按时上学,他经常受到老师批评。He is often criticized by the teacher because of __________ __________ to school on . 因为不知道真相,这些村民抗议修建高速公路。__________ __________ __________ the truth, the villagers protested against building an express having knownnot going3非谓语动词的否定式怎么表达?3. 为了不让公众认出来,这个明星戴了副墨镜。In order _______ _______ _______ _______ by the public, the star wore a pair of . 没人告诉你怎样做,你就先休息一会儿吧。_______ ______ how to do it you can, take a rest . not to be recognized 4. Not told