文档介绍:内容摘要王夫之是明末清初著名的思想家、哲学家、文学家,一生著有大量诗歌作品和诗歌理论著作。近几十年来,文艺理论界从诗歌结构、诗歌意境等诗歌本体论研究到诗歌功能的研究以及与西方文艺理论的比较研究,对王夫之建构的丰富完整的诗学体系进行了日益深入的开掘和探索,其诗歌理论中的“情景论”这一论题一直倍受研究者关注,但是有的研究者在研究中往往脱离了王夫之的哲学理论背景,而注重将王夫之的哲学理与诗学理论相联系的论著又大都没有对王夫之的“现量情景”理论展开详细的论述文试图从一个新的角度—即从“现量”这一被王夫之援引入诗的概念切入,对王夫之的“情景论”进行阐释和分析。本文首先对“情景论”论”,通过追溯“情景论”进行界定,将“情景论”分为“情景发生论”和产生、发展的历史线索,凸现王夫之“情景论”“情景结构产生的理论背景和现实意义。然后解释王夫之“情景论”的哲学基础—“现量”的本义,即“现量”三义:“现在”义、“现成”义、“显现真实”义,并阐述王夫之对“现量”这一印度佛学相宗术语的理解。在此基础之上,打通“现量”与“情景”的关联,从“现在现成之情景”、“显现真实之情景”两个方面来具体论述王夫之“情景论”的内涵、特质。最后对王夫之的“情景论”给予评价,肯定“现量”这一概念的引入对传统“情景论”的改造与超越。关键词:情景情景论订现量SummaryWang Fuzhi was a famous thinker, philosopher and literati of the end of theMing Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty. He wrote a lot of poems andthe works about poem theory. Many descendants make some extensive and thoroughstudy to those works presently. As to the proposition of "emotion and scenerythesis" which is the focus of study, the paper tries to start treatise froma new angle, which is start with the intention of "xianliang".First, the paper retrospects the historical clue of the emerging anddevelopment of the thesis, and stresses the background of theory and significanceof reality of Wang Fuzhi' s theory. Secondly, the paper explains the base ofphilosophy, that is original meaning of "xianliang",expounds Wang Fuzhi' sunderstand of "xianliang" that the term of Buddhist religion of India, getsthrough the connect of "xianliang" and "emotion and scenery thesis",andretrospect prehension and attribute of the thesis specifically from twoaspects which are "being and done-theory" and "appearing reality-theory".Lastly, the paper appraises the thesis and即proves the mendation of theconcept of "xianliang" which recreates and exceeds the traditional words: Wang Fuzhi emotion scenery xianliangemotion and scenery thesis王船山“情景论”新论王夫之是明末清初著名的思想家、哲学家,一生著作颇丰,仅诗歌理论著作就有《姜斋诗话》、《诗广传》、《古诗评选》、《唐诗评选》、《明诗评选》等,就其诗论成就而言,恐已堪称中国诗论史上著述至丰的巨擎了,此外,他一生还创作了大量的诗歌(1962年中华书局出版的《王船山诗文集》,收诗1645首),对诗歌创作有着相当的感性认识和丰富的实践经验。近几