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文档介绍:EnvironmentalProtectionEnvironment is the things around the center of thingsThe law of Environmental ProtectionEnvironment is :air, water, land, minerals, forests grasslands, wildlife (野生动植物)aquatic flora and fauna(水生动植物)historical sites, scenic areas nature reserves, residential areasWhat is happening on the earth every second● Neonatesborn in the world.●extracted tons of metal.●produce cars.●CO2emissions of 760 tons worldwide.●Decrease of square kilometers world'stop ten environmental problems◆ warming---全球变暖◆ depletion---臭氧层破坏◆ of biodiversity---生物多样性减少◆ spread of acid rain---酸雨蔓延◆ dropped---森林锐减◆---土地荒漠化◆ pollution---大气污染◆ pollution---水体污染◆ pollution---海洋污染◆-boundary movements ofpoisonous wastes--- Global warming ◆Gradually increasing the greenhouse effect, Earth's temperature rising.◆Main hazards(危害):abnormal weather, species extinction, the sea level rising.◆Ozone (O3) layer: the Earth's protective layer◆Main hazards: strong UV (ultra-violet ray紫外线) radiation can damage immune system(免疫系统)of human natures and animals , cause skin cancer and cataracts(白内障), damage to the earth’s ecosystems(全球生态系统). Ozone layer Loss of The spread of acid rain◆Global extinction of 50,000 species / year,140 / day on average.◆pH < referred as acid rain.◆Main hazards:Water and soil acidification(酸化), plant and animal death, corrosion(腐蚀) buildings, railways and bridges and other Forest Desertification◆Huge numbers of global deforestation.◆600 million square kilometers of land into desert each Air pollution◆Sulfide and nitrogen oxides(硫化物和氮氧化合物) into the atmosphere worldwide up to 30 million tons each Water pollution◆About 40% of the world’s rivers are seriously polluted.◆Freshwater(淡水)resources are ing Marine Cross-boundary movements of pois


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