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gbe - gemius polska:银杏叶提取物- gemius波兰.ppt

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gbe - gemius polska:银杏叶提取物- gemius波兰.ppt



文档介绍://1gemiusDirectEffectJanuary2012CASE STUDYCAREFREE Image Campaignmeasuring its online advertising//2gemiusDirectEffectgemiusStreamAboutCarefree Brand and itscampaignfrom May 17th 2011 to June 26th 2011teenage GMediaDurationContext:CAREFREE? participates in Johnson & Johnson Family of panies' Brands. CAREFREE? has been a feminine hygiene brand for over three decades, offering a full line of products to help women feel fresh and Image Campaign was an online campaign. Video banners advertising the Carefree products were placed on the six selected Lithuanian main purpose of the measurement of thecampaign was theverifcation of thedirect impact of the campaign on its viewers. An important part of thestudy was to getinformationon howvideo banners advertising Carefree products attracted the audience.//3gemiusDirectEffectgemiusStreamCampaignResultsCarefree Image CampaignContext:We have used this type of banner for the first time, it has several interaction inside, therefore it was important to know as much as possible about it’s performance. We are very happy about exceptionally good campaign results and about opportunity to evaluate Rizgelyte - Account Director at Mindshare LithuaniaIn order to give a full overview of the campaign results, it was measured by two Gemius tools: agency adserver - gemiusDirectEffect and video analytics - gemiusStream. The results of the campaign were exceptionally good, beyond expectations, according to media agency (Mindshare Lithuania).gemiusStream gave us an opportunity to see how users navigates through banners. On the other hand, with gemiusDirectEffect2 we could see the campaign statistics of real users, which currently is not offered by any other Pacyno- Digital Manager at Mindshare Baltics//4gemiusDirectEffectgemiusStreamCarefree VideoCarefree Video –3 banner formatsAfter watching the introductoryvideo, the viewer is asked whether he/she feels freshNear the end of the video t


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