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Toads are Arthritic and in Pain
Arthritis (关节炎)is an illness that can cause pain and swelling in your bones. Toads (蟾蜍),a big problem in the north of Australia, are suffering from painful arthritis in their legs and backbone, a new study has shown. The toads that jump the fastest are more likely to be larger and to have longer legs. _____________ (46)
The large yellow toads, native to South and Central America, were introduced into the north-eastern Australian state of Queensland in 1935 in an attempt to stop beetles and other insects from destroying sugarcane crops. Now up to 200 million of the poisonous toads exist in the country, and they are rapidly spreading through the state of Northern Territory at a rate of up to 60 km a year. The toads can now be found across more than one million square kilometres. ________(47) A Venezuelan poison virus was tried in the 1990s but had to be abandoned after it was found to also kill native frog species.
The toads have severely affected ecosystems in Australia. Animals, and sometimes pets, that eat the toads die immediately from their poison, and the toads themselves eat anything they can fit inside their mouth. ______________(48)
A co-author of the new study, Rick Shine, a professor at the University of Sydney, says that little attention has b