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毕业设计(论文)-Visual C++人脸识别系统设计.doc

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毕业设计(论文)-Visual C++人脸识别系统设计.doc


该算法利用Visual C++编写程序,运算时间较短,结合简单有效的灰度投影分析,大大提高了定位的速度,并且定位较准确。
关键词:水平和垂直灰度微积分投影;灰度投影; 人眼定位
Face recognition for the pilot fatigue driving,video conference, medicine, puter interaction, file management, public security system (criminal identification and application prospect of the huge more and more e pattern recognition and the field of artificial intelligence of a research focus, among them, because the eye to the other parts of the pared with the gray features very obvious, therefore, eye location algorithm research for face recognition system has a very important significance and influence.
In conventional light, the human eye area in the face region are two significantly feature, a is the area surrounding the dark, the other is a gray level difference is bigger, therefore, this paper uses a through the gray integral and differential projection eyes positioning method, the premise is the face region in the eye location, can be used for the detection of the human eye fatigue driving fast positioning. From the face region in the removal of the easy to space goes out, and influence the interference of eye location information, and on the basis of using the horizontal and vertical gray calculus projection method bining with the features of the structure of face the position of the eyes get coordinates. The algorithm using Visual C++ program, operation time is short, bined with simple and effective gray-level projection analysis, greatly improving the positioning of the speed, and locating the more accurate.
Key word:shorizontal and vertical gray calculus projection; eye location; gray integral and differential projection


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