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第十一章 人格障碍及其治疗-课件(ppt·精·选).ppt

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第十一章 人格障碍及其治疗-课件(ppt·精·选).ppt

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第十一章 人格障碍及其治疗-课件(ppt·精·选).ppt



文档介绍:第十一章人格障碍及其矫正(personality disorders)于丽琴一、人格障碍概述(Personality Disorders: An Overview)3What is a personality disorder??maladaptive personality traits? traits are relatively enduring features of a person that are persistent over time and situations? people with personality disorders tend to be: rigid and inflexible, show a restricted range of traits, have a dominant single trait? personality disorders are egosyntonic, more than egodystonicDSM-IV强调病人在认知、情感、人际关系和冲动控制方面的偏离,指出这种偏离类型在长时间内相当稳定,至少可以追溯到青少年或早期成年时。5Personality Disorders: Facts and Statistics?Prevalence of Personality Disorders?About % to % of the general population?6-9% (Kathleen ,1986)?‰(我国,1986)?Rates are higher in inpatient and outpatient settings。prevalence higher among people with other mental disorders? 6-9% of population have one or more personality disorder?most people with personality disorders e to the attention of mental health professionals6?Origins and Course of Personality Disorders?Thought to begin in childhood?Run a chronic orbidity rates are high ?Gender Distribution and Gender Bias?Gender bias exists in diagnosis?Criterion vs. assessment gender bias ?DSM-IV将10种人格障碍划分为3大类群:?A类群:行为古怪、奇异?Cluster A?Odd or eccentric ?Examples include paranoid, schizoid?B类群:戏剧化、情感强烈、不稳定?Cluster B?Dramatic, emotional, erratic?Examples include antisocial, borderline?C类群:紧张、焦虑行为?Cluster C?Fearful or anxious ?Examples include avoidant, pulsive分类DSM-IV and DSM-IV-TR Personality Disorder Clusters人格障碍类型cluster A cluster B cluster C偏执型表演型回避型分裂型自恋型依赖性分裂样反社会型强迫型边缘型910PERSONALITY DISORDERSHistorical perspective?Roots in psychoanalysis – narcissism, masochism, etc.? Karl Abraham – first theorist to focus on personality disorders