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文档介绍:A STUDY OF THE LORD OF THE RINGSFROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF ARCHETYPAL CRITICISMA Thesis Submitted to the School of Foreign LanguagesShenyang Normal UniversityIn Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts By 庞元元Under the Supervision of Professor郭忠壮May2014iABSTRACTThe Lord of the Rings, as the masterpiece of Tolkien, has ed by its readers all over the world since its publication. The work has surpassed other fantasies with its cultural richness, moral depth as well as Tolkien?s imagination and his talent of language. Its critical reputation and historical role increase with each passing day in English characters are very simple, and the plots are plicated in the work. But why can our hearts be touched so easily by it? Why do we cry for their tribulation and cheer for their final ess? Why can it give a glitter of hope to the people living in the modern society? This thesis attempts to find out the answers from archetypal criticism. As one of the major literary criticisms, archetypal criticismhas a great influence on literary studies. The main representative scholars are Frye and Jung. For Frye, literature origins from myth, and the archetype is a displacement of mythology. Different from Frye, Jung holds that archetypes are embodiments of the collective unconscious, the great physical and psychological experiences that repeated over millions of years. Archetypes are universal,and shared by all humans in spite of their gender, race, culture, education, economy and thesisis intended to analyze the images and events in the work from the perspective of archetypal criticism. There are totally four parts in this one introduces the basic information about The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien and archetypal criticism including the big events in Tolkien?s life, main iifeatures of archetypes and evaluation and analysis of this work a


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