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文档介绍:1内容摘要国内检察机关对附条件不起诉制度进行了近十年的试点,通过司法实践总结了大量的经验,为新刑事诉讼法确立附条件不起诉制度提供了重要的参考。全国人民代表大会在2012 年3 月通过了《关于修改<中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法>的决定》,新刑事诉讼法从2013年1 月1 日起施行。新刑诉法在特别程序中新增设了未成年人附条件不起诉制度,赋予了检察机关在办理未成年人犯罪的刑事案件时,具有更大的自由裁量权,充分体现了我国司法对未成年人以“教育为主,惩罚为辅”的原则,以及刑事司法非刑罚化的处理原则。新刑诉法关于附条件不起诉制度的规定很大程度上是原则性的规定,虽然出台了相关的司法解释,但是相关的具体的实施办法没有做出更为细致的规定,诸多对应的配套制度没有建立,使得司法机关在实践中如何正确理解附条件不起诉制度,以及如何适用未成年人附条件不起诉制度、发挥附条件不起诉制度应有的作用,成为检察机关需要解决的问题。本文通过对广西南宁市检察机关附条件不起诉实践为样本进行分析、研究该市检察机关适用附条件不起诉案件的特点,通过对司法实践中的附条件不起诉制度的实证研究,探讨附条件不起诉制度的实践运行基本情况,研究适用附条件不起诉的程序规范,以及通过实施附条件不起诉制度以来所取得效果等进行调研、分析,发现附条件不起诉制度在运行中所存在的问题,并在此基础上提出解决的办法和对策,为在司法实践中适用附条件不起诉提出相应的建议,进一步完善附条件不起诉制度,发挥其应有的作用。关键词:附条件不起诉;实证研究;配套机制1AbstracThe procuratorial organ of our country had pilotedtheconditional non prosecutionfor nearly ten years,and through thejudicial practice a lot of experience,and provides an importantreference to non prosecution of additional conditions for the new criminal procedure National People's Congresspassed the "About thechanges of people's Republic of China Criminal Procedure Law > decision" in 2012 March,the new Criminal Procedure Lawshall enter into force as of January 1, new criminal procedural lawin the special program created a new minor non prosecution of additional conditions,given thediscretion of the ans more when in juvenile criminal cases,fully reflects ourjustice for minors to the "education, supplemented by punishment" on thenon prosecution of additional conditions of the new criminal procedure law is to a large extentthe provisions of principle,althoughpromulgated the relevant judicial interpretations,butnot to make more detailed provisions,manysupporting system have not be judicial authoritiesin practice how to correctly understand and apply the non prosecution of additional conditions,and playthe role of conditional non prosecution system should be ansneed to solve the paperbased onThe practice of