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文档介绍:山东农业大学硕士专业学位论文I中文摘要随着我国市场经济的发展,政治体制改革的深入,服务型政府建设己经成为社会各界的共识和各级政府共同努力的方向,并在理论和实践上进行了积极的探索,“服务型政府”的概念是在我国政府改革不断深化的过程中提出的。党的十七大报告中明确提出了“加快行政管理体制改革,建设服务型政府”的行政管理体制改革目标,标志着建立“服务型政府”将是今后我国行政管理改革的目标选择,是对我国未来政府改革和发展方向的重新定位。目前,在经济全球化和我国加入世贸组织的新形势下,开发区作为发展经济的特殊区域,要在国内、国际招商引资和项目建设的激烈竞争中取胜,就要加大服务型政府建设力度,要以更加规范化的政府服务,营造公正、透明、廉洁、高效的政务环境,以便更多地吸引投资。本文通过理论与实践相结合的方法,运用实证研究法、比较研究法、文献索引法、综合系统分析法、SWOT 分析法等,在充分调查研究的基础上,提出相应对策措施,希望能对泰安高新区乃至我国地方服务型政府建设产生一定的借鉴意义。 本文立足于服务型政府的基本理论,归纳服务型政府的定义,分析服务型政府的基本特征,从而为泰安高新区服务型政府建设的实证研究提供理论依据。其次,在理论分析的基础上,论文围绕泰安高新区建设服务型政府的基本目标,对泰安高新区近几年来服务型政府建设成就进行归纳与总结,通过选取泰安高新区构建服务型政府过程中典型案例作个案分析,分析泰安高新区服务型政府建设所面临的形势与存在的问题,最后,在对泰安高新区的实际情况进行深入分析的基础上,本文提出了泰安高新区服务型政府建设的基本对策建议。主题词:高新区 服务型政府 建设研究 对策建议泰安高新区服务型政府建设研究IIABSTRACT With the development of our market economy and the deep reform of our government, service government has e the has e the consensus of munity at all ranks and the direction of the efforts of the governments, and explored in theory and practice actively, the concept of "Service-oriented government" appeared in the process of the deepening of reform in our government. The report of the17th National Congress of munist Party of China indicated clearly the goal of administrative reform that "speed up the administrative system and build a service-oriented government" and marks the establishment of the “service-oriented government” will be the future goal of the reform of administrative management is also the future direction of China government reform and reorientation. In this paper, based on the study of connotation and character of service-oriented government, summarizing the construction of the present status of Tai'an Hi-tech Zone of service-oriented government, and of the difficulties encountered in the process, and gave several suggestions. This bines methods of theory and practice, using a lot of research methods, for example,of empirical parative studies,literature indexing,, comprehensive system analysis,SWOT analysis, etc. Of course,it bases o