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文档介绍:Classified Index: CODE:10075 : NO:20100164 A Dissertation for the Degree of M. Law A Study on the spirit of Lei FengCandidate: Li Xue Ning Supervisor:Prof. Chai Sufang Academic Degree Applied for:Master of LawSpecialty:Ideological and Political EducationData of Oral examination:Hebei UniversityUniversity:May,2013摘 要 I摘 要雷锋精神,是以雷锋同志的言行事迹所表现出的共产主义思想,优秀道德观念和崇高理论品质为概括和总结,并在现阶段被践行着的,不断丰富和发展的文化精神。雷锋精神根植于中华民族的优秀传统文化,展示了中国文化博大精深的永恒魅力。雷锋精神,简而言之,就是全心全意为人民服务,甘当人民勤务兵的服务精神;艰苦朴素、埋头苦干、愿做一颗螺丝钉的敬业精神;立场坚定、爱憎分明、不因歪风邪气妥协的坚持原则精神;认真钻研、又红又专的共产主义精神;表里如一、言行一致、一诺千金的主人翁精神;严于律己、宽厚待人、胸襟开阔、虚怀若谷的包容精神;扶困济弱、助人为乐、苦我一人、幸福大家的奉献精神。弘扬雷锋精神具有重要的作用。第一、有利于对社会主义核心价值体系的构建;第二、有利于激发我们这个时代的文化力量;第三、有利于提升人们的幸福感,轻松构建人的精神家园,从而提高社会文明程度,保障社会的和谐发展。关键词 雷锋精神 重要意义 具体举措Abstract IIAbstract The spirit of Lei Feng is a summary of munism ideas, outstanding moral concepts and lofty theoretical qualities that are reflected rade Lei Feng’s words and deeds and also a cultural spirit being practiced nowadays as well as to be enriched and developed continuously. Lei Feng’s spirit is rooted in Chinese nation's excellent traditional culture, showing the eternal charm of Chinese broad and profound culture. The spirit of Lei Feng, in short, is a spirit of service, willing to serve the people heart and soul; a spirit of professionalism, enduring hardship and tiring work plaint; a spirit of sticking to fixed principles, keeping firm and principled in face of unhealthy tendencies and evil influences; a spirit munism, studying intensively; a spirit of ownership, being the same whatever happens and keeping words; a spirit of tolerance, being strict with oneself while easy to go with others and also having a broad mind; a spirit of dedication, assisting the poor and the weak while ignoring his own affairs. Inheriting and promoting our nation’s spirits, including the spirit of Lei Feng, has important significance. Firstly, contribut