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文档介绍:???????36396305????????????????????????????ж???????????????????????р?????????р????????ぁ????????????????????????θ??ぁ?????????????????????????????????????????儎?????θ?????????????????????2150mm????????????????θ??????????????θ?????????????????????俌????????????????????????????????????????????п??????????????θ????┇???????????θ????????????????φ????χ??χ????χ????????????36396305Design of unloading trolleyPick toCoil car is widely used in the production of plate and strip rollingproduction in a set of important equipment. Its main function is to remove thesteel coil from the reel of the winding machine and ship it to the walking course of action can be classified to hold steel coil, coil removed, transportsteel coil and placing steel coils, the process mainly by the lifting deviceand a sliding device. Efficiency of the unloading car will directly affect theefficiency of the whole production line. To improve the efficiency of the car,based on the good design of the equipment. In this paper, the unloading car of2150mm hot rolling mill is selected as the design object, the main parts of thetransmission mechanism design, and the important parts of the mechanism designand strength check. Firstly, the transmission scheme is determined by theanalysis method and parison method. Then the hydraulic cylinder, shaft,bearing and so on were designed and checked. Such as the third strength theoryon the axis of the check, etc.. Then, this paper makes a brief introduction tothe lubrication system. Finally, the economic analysis of the whole set ofequipment is words: unloading car; continuous rolling; strength check; economicanalysis???????36396305????.....................................................................................................................................................IABSTRACT............................................................................................................................................ II1.??..........................