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Charlotte’s Web.ppt

上传人:薄荷牛奶 2016/2/26 文件大小:0 KB


Charlotte’s Web.ppt


文档介绍:Charlotte’s WebBy: . WhiteIllustrated by: Garth WilliamsBelnap2100FinalFiction or Non-FictionAnimals can not can some animals may follow human verbal instructions, they are not considered able municate with each with each munication Between Animals & HumansOrb (wheel-like).Contains WebAnimal like -Fiction(real)Fiction (not real)SettingWhere and when does thestory take place?Is the setting important to the story?Could it have happened somewhere else?Could it have happened at another time? SettingMainefarmbarnanimal penspringcounty fairfairgroundsridesanimal pare/Contrast farm animalsneighbors far apartstores far awayfarm choresless trafficswim in brook neighbors close together stores close by more traffic swim in poolspetshouse choresyard workPlotWhat is the story about??Sometimes called the storyline?A brief explanation of the main storyPlot?Wilbur learns that he is to end up on the dinner table for the holidays. His friend, Charlotte, comes up with a plan to save him. She does this by putting words in her of ViewWho is telling the story?Third person point of view:Someone who is not in the story is telling the story (narrator).Uses he, she, theyOmniscientTells the reader about the feelings, thoughts, and actions of all the OmniscientTells the reader about the feelings, thoughts, and actions of only one of the :Tells the reader what the narrator sees and hears from the perspective of one person point of view:A character in the story is telling the story (narrator).Uses I, me, my, weThe narrator and the reader learn what is happening at the same of ViewThird Person Point of ViewOmniscientCharactersWho is the story about?People in the do happen to not have to be be animals