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EE 543 Theory and Principles of Remote Sensing.ppt

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EE 543 Theory and Principles of Remote Sensing.ppt

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EE 543 Theory and Principles of Remote Sensing.ppt



文档介绍:1Topic 3 - Basic EM Theory and Plane WavesEE 542Antennas & Propagation for municationsO. Kilic EE5422Outline?EM Theory Concepts?Maxwell’s Equations–Notation–Differential Form–Integral Form–Phasor Form?Wave Equation and Solution (lossless, unbounded, homogeneous medium)–Derivation of Wave Equation–Solution to the Wave Equation – Separation of Variables–Plane wavesO. Kilic EE5423EM Theory ConceptThe fundamental concept of em theory is that a current at a point in space is capable of inducing potential and hence currents at another point far , HO. Kilic EE5424Introduction to EM Theory?The existence of propagating em waves can be predicted as a direct consequence of Maxwell’s equations.?These equations satisfy the relationship between the vector electric field, E and vector ic field, H in time and space in a given medium.?Both E and H are vector functions of space and time; . E (x,y,z;t), H (x,y,z;t.)O. Kilic EE5425What is an ic Field??The electric and ic fields were originally introduced by means of the force equation.?In Coulomb’s experiments forces acting between localized charges were observed.?There, it is found useful to introduce E as the force per unit charge.?Similarly, in Ampere’s experiments the mutual forces of current carrying loops were studied.?B is defined as force per unit . Kilic EE5426Why not use just force??Although E and B appear as convenient replacements for forces produced by distributions of charge and current, they have other important aspects.?First, their introduction decouples conceptually the sources from the test bodies experiencing em forces.?If the fields E and B from two source distributions are the same at a given point in space, the force acting on a test charge will be the same regardless of how different the sources are.?This gives E and B meaning in their own right.?Also, em fields can exist in regions of space where there are no . Kilic EE5427Maxwell’s Equations?Maxwell's equations give ex