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文档介绍:I摘要当前随着经济体制的改革政策的变动乡村工业化和城镇化等因素引起小城镇社会结构的变迁出现了新的社会问题如传统社区被肢解居民的职业构成和生活观念多元化不同团体的利益矛盾不断涌现等而现有的小城镇规划对于解决这些问题是乎显得力不从心迫切需要拓展和完善小城镇规划的内容和方法本文通过分析我国小城镇规划中存在的弊端认为拓展规划的社会学内涵是解决当前问题的重要出路因此本文从社区视域研究小城镇首先分析了小城镇社区的要素构成和结构回顾了小城镇社区的建设历程同时分析了小城镇社区的发展背景和趋势在对小城镇社区的自身特征和外部环境初步探讨的基础上提出了小城镇社区规划的概念现有的小城镇规划往往只注重社区的物质空间层面的内容而轻视社会空间层面的内容忽视了社区空间环境的本质即人环境的互动关系的反映本文认为小城镇社区规划作为一种基于社区理念关注人及社会健康发展的规划活动体现了以人为本的价值取向以及社会文化经济技术和形态空间协调发展的规划设计和实践走向是对现有小城镇规划的重要拓展和完善与此同时本文探讨了小城镇社区规划的目标原则策略主要规划内容等并在规划编制程序和相关机制建设中进行了居民参与规划实践的探讨关键词社区小城镇社区小城镇规划社区规划IIAbstractCurrently, the factors of market-economic transition, policy change, industrialization and urbanization have promoted the transition of social structure of small towns and lead to appear the new social problemsjust as the munity destroyed; ideas diversification; benefit conflict, and so on. But, the existing towns’ planning is incapable, and need to extend and perfect its content and the analysis of the questions in town planning, the paper thinks that extend the sociological study is the key outlet, so the paper studies the small towns on the concept munity, and analysis munity constitute, structure, background and trend,reviews the course munity construction. On the basis of understanding the interior character and exterior environment to munity, the paper bring forward the concept munity towns’ planning emphasizes particularly on the physical space respect and ignores social respect. This paper munity planning which pays close attention on the people's spiritand social health development is a important extension to the towns’ planning. At the same time, the paper probes into the goal, principle, strategy, the main contents, and discuss munity participation in the program and practice. Key words: Community Small Towns Towns’ munity Planning11 问题的提出中共中央国务院关于促进小城镇健康发展的若干建议指出发展小城镇是实现我国农村现代化的必由之路当前加快城镇化进程的时机和条件已经成熟抓住机遇适时引导小城镇健康发展应当作为当前和今后较长时期农村改革的一项重要任务小城镇的发展及其所导致的社会经济变化已经构成了中国现代化进程中最具特色的一项创举已引起了国内外学术界的广泛关注认为