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文档介绍:Catalog DA ? 2002motion controlSynchronous and asynchronousservomotors forSIMOVERT MASTERDRIVESSERVOMOTORSSERVOMOTORSSERVOMOTORSConfiguring with PFAD/PATH Plus With the PFAD/PATH Plus pro-gram, three-phase drives fed by frequency converters for SIMOVERT? MASTERDRIVES Vector Control and Motion Control units can be config-ured easily and quickly. The program is a powerful en-gineering tool which supports the user in all stages of config-uration – from power supply to the -guided selection and layout of the frequency con-verters enable the ponents and the motors necessary for a specific drive task to be determined. Auto-matically displayed informa-tion ensures fault-free plan- help system also supports the first-time user of the program. PFAD/PATH Plus provides a logical and easy-to-use dialog proce-dure to guide the planning en-gineer towards a reliable, re-producible and economically efficient drive configuration, starting from the mechanical requirements of the machine and the drive task involved. The technical data of the fre-quency converters and mo-tors, the selected -ponents and the necessary accessories are listed in de- Plus enables drives to be configured on the basis of a load characteristic or a load cycle and enables planning of applications such as the following:?traversing and hoisting gear?slewing gear?spindle drives and?center Plus also in-cludes fortable graphic display for showing ?torque, velocity and accel-eration over time and?torque, current and output over the speed of system perturbations are calculated and graphically displayed as planning and configuring results can be stored on data carriers, printed on paper or copied to other user programs via the Plus is available with either a German or English user can order a demo version of PFAD/PATH Plus on CD free of charge. To do this, visit our homepage under use the fax form atta


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